Parish Publication

Parish Publication

The Constables and Douzaine of the above Parish invite all Ratepayers and electors to meet at Community Hall, Rue de Brehaut, on Wednesday 6th April 2022, following the meeting of the Rector and Churchwardens at 7.00pm, to transact the following business:-

  1. To approve the accounts of the Treasurer of the Parochial Cemeteries Committee, which have been duly audited.
  2. To approve the Constables’ accounts, which have been duly audited. *The accounts will be available in the Douzaine Room during opening hours from 25th March, and at the meeting, for inspection by the Electors and Ratepayers of the parish.
  3. To approve the accounts of the Parish Procurers, which have been duly audited.
  4. To approve the sum of £100,740.43 to cover the cost of Household Refuse collection and disposal for the year from 1st January 2022 to be levied by means of Refuse Rate.
  5. To decide if they are in favour of voting the following sums to be levied by means of Owners Rate:-
  6. Ordinary upkeep of Parochial Cemeteries:
  • Gardening contract              £15,123.00
  • General Maintenance                                                     £7,150.00Parochial Administration
  • Ordinary upkeep of other Parish Properties £46,400.00
  • Administration, Clerical and Legal Expenses               £39,700.00
  • Cost of publishing Parochial Notices                             £3,700.00
  • Street Lighting                   £950.00
  • Rente due to Rector                                                                       £9.53
  • Public Needs to be approved by the Parish:-
  • Grant to La Houguette Primary School Library                  £450.00
  • Grant to La Mare de Carteret High School Library £350.00
  • Grant to Floral St Pierre du Bois                £1,800.00
  • Granite Road sign________________________________£500.00
  • Transfer to Reserve Fund in accordance with the Parochial Taxation(Reserve Funds) (Guernsey) Law, 1997, as amended__________________£5,000.00
  1. a) To authorise the Constables to apply to the Royal Court for permission to levy the above sums by means of the Refuse Rate and Owners Rate;
  2. b) To decide that the said Owners Rate, together with that approved at the meeting convened by the Rector and Churchwardens, shall be levied applying the relative factors (as approved at the Ratepayers Meeting on 11th March 2009) a copy of which is available in the Douzaine Room.
  3. To take all such measures relating to the above as the Ratepayers and Electors may deem advisable.


