Parish Elections

There are two Parish meetings held each year.


1) The first is held on the first Wednesday in November to seek approval from the parishioners for the business in the coming year, in particular the following elections for re-election or vacant posts.


• Please see the relevant forms below if you are standing for any of these positions.


Junior Constable – This is a three year term of office and comes up for election accordingly.

Douzeniers – Of the 12 Douzeniers, three positions are contested for re-election or vacancies for a four year term of office.

Church Management Committee – require the 2 parishioners to sit on this committee which is an annual election for a term of one year.

They will sit on the committee together with the 2 members of the Douzaine, the 2 Church Wardens and the Rector.

Schools Committees – There is also a requirement for Parishioners to be elected onto the Schools Committees for a three year term:-

• La Mare de Carteret High School
• La Hougette Primary School

2) The second meeting normally held on the second Wednesday of March in two parts:-

• The Ecclesiastical business meeting which is presided over by the Rector and contains the budget for the ratepayer responsibility of the upkeep of the fabric of the Church and the Rectory.
• The Secular parish meeting in particular the approval of accounts, the budget for the administration and upkeep of parish properties and the refuse rates.


Following the meeting, the “Remede” is prepared which includes both the Ecclesiastical and Secular financial requirements that will need to be raised from the ratepayers/parishioners. This is made public by publishing in the Gazette Officielle. Given no objections have been raised; the Parish Advocate will make an application to the Royal Court for its approval.
