CONSTABLES Constables are elected to serve for terms of up to three years; they carry out day-to-day administration of parochial affairs, on behalf of the Douzaine – if you have any concern at any time about the parish, please let us know by phone or email.
PROCURERS The Constables are also the Procurers, and can distribute assistance from the Procurers’ Funds to those in need in the parish, at their discretion. At Christmas, extra funds are often available from local charities. If you are in difficulties at any time, or know of someone who is, please contact us.
THE DOUZAINE The Douzaine consists of twelve parishioners who are each elected for a four year term, and are responsible for looking after their section of the parish (canton). The Douzaine meets monthly, with the exception of August, to discuss parish matters.
PARISH MEETINGS The annual April meeting approves the Douzaine’s budget for the parish, and the People’s Warden’s budget for the upkeep of the fabric of the Church and rectory, which together make up the Owners’ Rate. The various parish accounts will be presented for approval and the Refuse Rate is also approved at this meeting.
The annual November meeting now follows on from the election meeting on the first Wednesday of the month.
BORNEMENTS AND PERMITS The Douzaine’s permission is required for all construction, above or below ground, within 1.5metres of the road. Written application for a Permit should be submitted to the Constables with approved plans. A Bornement is required for any development affecting the alignment of the road boundary. A fee of £25 is applicable for each.