Parish Meeting Resolution November 2020

Parish Meeting Resolution November 2020


Wednesday 4th November 2020

The Ratepayers and Electors of the above parish, assembled this day by virtue of the publication dated 16th October 2020

  1. Have named Peter Martel and David White to serve on the St Pierre du Bois Church Management Board.
  2. Have decided not to engage De Garis Accounting to assist in the preparation of the Parish year end accounts but ensure that staff are adequately trained.
  3. Have named Mr T Archard and Mr C Worsley to audit the Accounts of the Constables, the Parish Church, the Parish Procureurs, the Parochial Cemeteries Committee and the Parochial School Trustees for the year 2020.
  4. Have received and accepted the Reports of the Parish Elected Members of La Mare de Carteret High School Committee and La Houguette Primary School Committee.
  5. Have decided that, during 2021, Parish Meetings shall be held at 7.00 pm.
  6. Have heard Douzenier Steve Fell give thanks to Douzenier Julian Parker and Constable Jill Bray for their service to the Parish.
  7. Have heard Rev Adrian Datta thank Jill Bray for her work with the Church.
  8. Have heard Chris Atkinson thank Peter Martel and David White for standing for the Church Management board again.

Signed: …Martin Ozanne……………….

Martin Ozanne – Dean St Pierre Du Bois