08 Apr Church Resolution 7th April
The Rector and Church Wardens of the above parish assembled this day by virtue of the Publication dated 31st March 2021.
1. Have approved the Church Management Board Parish accounts, which have been duly audited.
2. Have voted in favour of levying the following amounts by means of Owner’s Rate:-
a. Ordinary repairs to the Parish Church ………………………………………………..£3,000
b. Insurance of Church…………………………………………………………………………….£2,950
c. Re-surfacing of north and south churchyard pathways……………………….£11,546
d. Upkeep of bells and remuneration to bell ringers on public occasions……£120
e. Cost of publishing Parochial Notices………………………………………………………£800
3. Have authorised the Constables to apply to the Royal Court to levy the above sums.
4. Have agreed to take all such measures relating to the above which the Ratepayers and Electors may deem advisable.
Rev A Datta,
St. Peter’s Church
7th April 2021